Community Working Groups
Community Working Groups provide feedback on specific transportation issues for the program’s consideration.
Participants include community members, organizations and stakeholders that can provide insight on specific topics. Established Community Working Groups for the IBR program include: Active Transportation, Downtown Vancouver, Hayden Island/Marine Drive and Multimodal Commuter.

Man walking with bike

Screen shot of Zoom meeting with participants
Community Working Group participants were selected based on their interest in serving on the program’s working groups and their unique, informed organizational perspective relevant to the group’s topic. Each group has a facilitator, lead program technical staff and program agency partner support staff present at each meeting. At least one IBR Community Advisory Group (CAG) member participates in each group, providing a direct linkage to relay perspective and considerations in specific interest areas.
Each Community Working Group met two to three times in 2021. As of December 2021, we do not anticipate regular meetings, but may reconvene the groups to meet on an as-needed basis. Additional Community Working Groups may be formed in the future to advise the program on various topics when necessary.
Community Working Groups
Active Transportation
The Active Transportation Community Working Group focuses on the design of walking, biking and rolling facilities across the Interstate Bridge and its connections.
- Charlene McGee, Multnomah County Health Department REACH (Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health) Program
- Mark Raggett, Portland Pedestrian Advisory Committee
- Rachel Cameron, Killer Queen Cyclery
- Aylin Nahomi Diaz Romero, Bike Clark County
- Guthrie Straw, Oregon Environmental Council
- Michael France, West End Bikes
- Billy Henry, Northwest Association for Blind Athletes
- Jan Campbell, TriMet Committee on Accessible Transportation
- Marlin D. Brinkley, Clark County Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee
- Ashton Simpson, IBR CAG member
- Robin Jay Richardson, IBR CAG member
- Gordon Matthews, Community member
- Michael J Newton, Community member
- Alyson Day, Community member
- Marian Rhys, Community member
- Barbara Fields, Community member
- Thomas R. Baltes, Community member
- Kenneth R. Williams, Community member
Downtown Vancouver
The Downtown Vancouver Community Working Group provides feedback on downtown Vancouver transit and highway connections to the Interstate Bridge, including potential alternatives and design options.
- Carmen Caraballo, Esther Short Park Neighborhood Association
- Michael Walker, Vancouver’s Downtown Association
- Stacey Graham, The Historic Trust
- Benton Strong, Vigor Industrial
- Saeed Hajarizadeh, Vancouver Housing Authority
- Michiko Murao Slick, Killian Pacific
- Tom Hagley Jr., Vancouver Public Schools
- Sunrise O’Mahoney, League of United Latin American Citizens
- Deanna Kay Gaines, Wild Fern Boutique
- Christine Whitney, Visit Vancouver USA
- Shona Carter, Community Foundation for SW Washington
- Galina Burley, Clark College
- Jeremy White, Murdock Charitable Trust
- Michelle Brewer, IBR CAG member
- Jasmine Tolbert, IBR CAG member
- Whitney Mosback, IBR CAG member
- Claire Williams, Community member
- Mary Cronin, Community member
- Jordan Boldt, Community member
- Tamara J Fuller, Community member
- David Poland, Community member
- Elizabeth Mathilda Harris, Community member
- Marjorie A. Ledell, Community member
- Michael Paine, Community member
Hayden Island/Marine Drive
The Hayden Island/Marine Drive Community Working Group focuses on Hayden Island and Marine Drive interchanges and connections to the Interstate Bridge, including potential alternatives and design options.
- Kurt Redd, Diversified Marine
- Michael Strahs, Kimco Realty Corporation
- Corky Collier, Columbia Corridor Association
- Tom Dana, Hayden Island Manufactured Home Community HOA
- Kyle Anderson, Wilson Logistics
- Amy Cooney, East Columbia Neighborhood Association
- Fredrick Jubitz, Jubitz
- Kathryn Wheeler, Jantzen Beach Moorage
- Terry Glenn, Columbia Way West Marina
- Ellen Churchill, Hayden Island Neighborhood Network
- Sarah Doney, League of Minority Voters
- Erik Molander, Bridgeton Neighborhood Association
- Ryan Webb, IBR CAG member
- Tom Hickey, IBR CAG member
- Joseph D (Dave) Jannuzzi, Community member
- Robin Smith, Community member
- Tom O’Conner, Community member
- Joey Smith, Community member
- Ryan Donohue, Community member
Multimodal Commuter
The Multimodal Commuter Community Working Group provides feedback on the Interstate Bridge user experience from a commuter perspective, including access to public transit and other modes of transportation such as driving, biking and rolling.
- Kevin Campbell, AAA Oregon
- André Lightsey-Walker, The Street Trust
- Victor Caesar, IBR CAG member
- Mikaela Williams, IBR CAG member
- Cecelia Antonio, Community member
- Peter Bryant, Community member
- Christine Petty, Community member
- Soren Roth, Community member
- Shane Nehls, Community member
- Jaymison Haeussler, Community member
- Jim Bennett, Community member
- Andrew Geisler, Community member
- Steven B. Goff, Community member
- Dane Hobbs, Community member
- Aaron Hainline, Community member
- Susan Pitchford, Community member
- Roger Haslett, Community member
- Steven Koch, Community member
- Alejandro Arellano, Community member
- Dale Manz, Community member
Meeting Details
To follow the states’ social distancing guidelines for slowing the spread of COVID-19, all Community Working Group meetings will be hosted virtually, using Zoom, until further notice. Visit the Meetings & Events webpage to view all upcoming meetings for Community Working Groups. Meetings will also be live streamed on the IBR YouTube channel for transparency purposes. While Community Working Group meetings do not accept public comment, the public is welcome to submit any comment or question they have to
Free, temporary internet access is available throughout Washington for those who do not have broadband service. Find the nearest Drive-In WiFi Hotspot
To request an accommodation, such as materials in alternate formats, please email or call 360-859-0494 (Washington), 503-897-9218 (Oregon), 888-503-6735 (toll-free) at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
Equitable Representation
The IBR program is committed to centering equity in our processes and outcomes. We prioritize access, influence and decision-making power for equity priority communities. The goal of the Community Working Groups is to provide equitable and balanced representation of the region as a whole. The following table lists voluntary demographic information collected from 81 participants.
Participant Demographics
Participant Demographics |
Number of Participants |
Percentage of Total Participants |
BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) |
18 |
22% |
People with disabilities |
10 |
12% |
Young people (16-24 years old) |
3 |
4% |
Older adults (65+ years old) |
15 |
19% |
Male |
46 |
57% |
Female |
31 |
38% |
Prefer not to identify gender |
4 |
5% |
Washington residents[1] |
47 |
58% |
Oregon residents |
33 |
41% |
Homeowner |
57 |
70% |
Renter |
21 |
26% |
Neither homeowner nor renter, or prefer not to answer |
3 |
4% |
[1] State residence is based on home zip code and reflects commute origin.