IBR Public Events

Listening Session: Somali Community

Thursday, August 26, 2021 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM



Join the meeting by registering at the Online Zoom Webinar. 


IBR waxaa ka go'an inay saami qeybsi udub dhexaad uga dhigto dhamaan howlaheeda iyo natiijooyinka kasoo baxa. Barnaamijka Kor u qaadidda Saaamiga waa kulamo taxane ah oo dhageysi ah si ay gacan uga geystaan ogaanshaha fikradaha bulshooyinka tabashada qaba. Bulshada ku hadasha afka Somalian kulankooda dhageysiga wuxuu xoogga saarayaa inuu fikrado ka aruuriyo xubnaha bulshada taariikh ahaan laga takooro barnaamijyada gaadiidka iyo mashaariicda. Shaqaalaha waxay bixin doonaan warbixin guud oo barnaamijka ku saabsan, xubnaha bulshadana waxay dadka la wadaagi karaan khibradaha ay hadda ka heystaan iyo fikirkooda ku aadan inay ku dul safraan Buundada Interstate iyo eeriyada laga wado barnaamijyadeeda. Waxaan siin doonnaa 35 dollar gift card ah dadka ku hadla English kooban ee ku hadla Somalian ee ku ag nool ama ku safra Buundada Intersate. Boosaska way xadidanyihiin, marka waxaan muhiimadda koowaad siin doonnaa dadka ka tirsan bulshada ku hadasha Somalian

The Interstate Bridge Replacement Program is committed to centering equity throughout our process as well as our outcomes. The Elevating Equity series of listening sessions are to help hear from communities of concern. The goal of the Somali Community Listening Session is to gather insights from community members who have been historically excluded from big transportation programs and projects. A program overview will be provided, and community members can share their current experience and perspective on traveling across the Interstate Bridge or within the program area. We will provide 35-dollar gift cards to those who attend the meeting from the Somali community that live or travel in the greater program area. Space is limited, so we will prioritize people from the Somali community.

To request an accommodation: For materials in alternate formats, please email info@interstatebridge.org or call 360-859-0494   (Washington), 503-897-9218 (Oregon), 888-503-6735  (toll-free) at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.

Free, temporary internet access is available throughout Washington for those who do not have broadband service. To find the nearest Drive-In WiFi Hotspot visit: www.commerce.wa.gov/building-infrastructure/washington-state-drive-in-wifi-hotspots-location-finder/